Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week 71 - Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes

I had a very interesting week this week. Updates on people really fast, and then I'll tell you a cool epiphany.
N! We didn't see her at all this week. She is still struggling to feel peace about not being baptized. She is having a really hard time, so please pray for her.
K! She has her baptismal interview tonight. She graduated from pharmacy school and they announced that in Relief Society and everyone clapped and I think she was embarrassed but also touched. She is excited to be involved in the ministering efforts for Relief Society. She is the best.
A! He's doing so good, it's unreal. We had 2 lessons with him and in one of them we asked him what he thought the purpose of the temple is, and he was like, "well, it connects us to our Father in Heaven." Exact words. Where did we find this kid?! He also has his interview tonight.
So we're double DUNKING next Saturday. *firework noises*
Our companionship! We are on literal fire. We set the goal to hand out 70 Books of Mormon in the next 5 weeks! Hoorah. Also we've been biking around because it's actually really good for talking to people. Hard to do that in a car without looking like FBI agents.... ðŸ˜Š
This week I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with a sister who was struggling with mental health issues, specifically anxiety. It was an interesting day - our usual missionary activities were somewhat disrupted by the demons in her mind. She was pretty drained and depleted, just due to trying to fight those internal battles and not really knowing how to manage her feelings and also be a missionary and worry about others and help them to come closer to Christ. She confided in me for over 3 hours about how hopeless she felt her life had become.
I had an experience before my mission where I was having some really hard days as far as anxiety goes. I remember writing in my journal to myself, "Keep going! You are experiencing this so that one day you can look someone in the eye and say, 'it gets better'."
It was a tender moment when I was able to bear her my sure witness to this sweet sister that it was He who lifted me from where I was to where I am now. I was able to see in hindsight one of the reasons I had to feel the pain I felt. It was sort of cool, like looking across time to a little sister version of myself and smiling. I had no idea then how happy I would one day be.
This sister has decided to go home and I was privileged to be able to be there when she received her answer that that is what she needed to do. It was a revelatory experience for her, and due to the personal nature of it, I'll spare you the details of what she was dealing with and how her answer came. I saw a familiar peace enter her countenance though. I have great hope that she will one day feel the way I feel, and this really hard step is the first in getting the help she needs.
I know I talk about this stuff a lot, but the Lord has just uniquely placed me at this time to be able to see the blessings in my trials. And im just also sort of blown away by the sheer power of the Savior. For a brief moment I wasn't sure if I'd ever be the person I wanted to be. My hope levels were low. But I no longer feel that I am walking in the dark. Of course there are moments of shadow, but the Light of the World so permeates my daily experiences that I sometimes forget how dark it was back then! He restores us to hope, and that is the most awesome thing ever. I'm not gonna lie and tell you that my life is roses all the time, because it certainly is not. But I have so much hope! Because there are certain things that cannot change. One of those is the Savior's grace. Another one of those is my own divine nature. And finally, the love of God. No matter what happens to me, those are all facts of life.
So just know you are a child of God. He loves you. The Savior suffered for you and He can help you become better. These things are the reason I experience true happiness and joy.
I love you!
Don't let the muggles get you down! 
All my love,

Sister Pew

This elder was in the first Face2Face with youth asking the questions--Sister Pew was in the 2nd Face2Face which was with the Piano Guys

Matching dresses!

Beautiful South Carolina

She got to stop by the temple

Sister Pew and Sister Ekberg



Rainy and the temple behind them

More biking

Last MLC--Silly picture

Another silly one

MLC Mission Leadership Conference-Sister Pew middle back
She said it was a great conference! Even though she is sad it was her last

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