This week. Y'all, do you ever have weeks that humble you? Weeks that make you feel like you've been stretched in every direction you can possibly be stretched? Do you ever wonder how you can manage to do everything you need to do? Because BEING A MISSIONARY IS OVERWHELMING. I will not lie, it has been a tough week for me. I think maybe before now I didn't realize how much I didn't know.
A main struggle we're having is that now that daylight savings has switched, it gets dark at literally 5:30. The hours that used to be prime proselyting time for us are now what we affectionately call "gun hours" because people pull guns on you when you knock at their door and it's dark. So we have no prime proselyting time anymore. None. Luckily, Sister Larsen is great, or I'd be literally ripping out all my hair.
Another struggle we have is that the past 3 investigators to be baptized in this ward are no longer active. We need to know how to retain our converts better, because this ward is about to have 2 more!!
Really, fam, I could use lots of prayers, lots of love, and anything you feel you could use to uplift me. It's been a rollercoaster. Let's just share *some* of the things that happened.
-Monday we got to play basketball, which was great. I also happened to make a backwards granny shot from half court. I wish we'd filmed our game of horse. It was skraight ridiculous. We taught D & P and committed them to pay tithing! Wahoo. Then we saw S, the very gentle sasquatch, and heart attacked the Ss.
-Tuesday we had DDM & a Tiwi meeting at the stake center. We got a Tiwi.
So now, our car yells at us if we go too fast. And they changed it from a man's voice to a woman's voice. I hate her. Then we tried to go see Sister M but she was not there. She had been taken to the hospital because she had pneumonia. (AND a bunch of other things. This woman should have been dead a long time ago. But nope! Still kicking.) So then we went to Golden Age with 2 of the Spanish elders. I will not tell you which ones. But there was one in particular who was dreadful. And he made me play for him so he could sing a solo. I ended up having to sing with him to keep him on pitch. Sister Larsen and I were dying. So was his companion. Not good. Then we had a fireside which D & P were able to attend. I sang Consider the Lilies. We didn't record it because we're the worst. But I did record other stuff! So I'll send that home. hehe. President spoke at this fireside. I like that guy.
-Wednesday we went to the soup kitchen, and we worked really hard trying to find people to teach. We taught S. Sister H took us to some lessons with a potential (wasn't home), L and L, and then to the church for Book of Mormon class. Which, as it turned out, evolved into a group therapy session for women who'd left abusive husbands. That night, we started fasting for the elders' investigators, la familia Hernandez de Mexico! They've been investigating since April, come every single week, and for some reason just won't get baptized. Pray for them please!
-Thursday was another day of working hard. We went and made casseroles (while fasting) for J & K for when they have their baby. We then went to MMA (after breaking our fast, thank goodness. Also, I'm getting really good at headstands. Watch out, world. Then, we went to see D, and had a very nice visit. We did some finding and some planning. It was great.
-Friday was where the waters started to get rougher. We went to the nursing home as per usual, that was pretty standard. Then we went to see Sister M in the hospital with Sister F. We found her convulsing, groaning, and unresponsive. She looked and sounded like she had had a bad stroke. She really didn't respond to anything we did until we sang "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel". By some miracle she sang along at the chorus. It was really, really traumatic for me. So we got home to plan, and we tried to be focused, but we were just quiet and kept zoning out and stuff. It was terrible. I ended up getting a blessing from Brother S that night. (Brother S is always helping other people and is probably my role model for life.) It was a very, very inspired blessing.
-Saturday we had a meeting where we filled out new member records for everyone at the Rs. Then we had lunch with Brother J. Then we went and taught the As. Then we went back to the Rs and had ward coordination. Then we went home. And we slept. Badly.
-Sunday we experienced one of the most intense PECs ever. It wasn't bad! It was just intense. Plus, I was still extra not-alright. And everyone could tell. After church we did studies and tried to go see a couple less active members but to no avail. Then we went to the Rs...again...and did dinner with them.
EVERYONE. I just want you to know that it's all okay. I might be just having a hard time right now, but I still love being a missionary and I know that God has a plan. I have a feeling some days as a wife and a mom will probably be something like this -- feeling overwhelmed, feeling like there's no way to push through it -- but you do, you always do, in the end. I know who's team I'm on. I am so, so done with taking the easy way out. I don't quit anymore. And Satan has no power over MY agency. He may be able to influence the way I feel, but he will never get in the way of what I want, which is to bring souls to Christ.
I've got this, folks. No worries. Everything is going to be alright. I know it!
Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Don't let the muggles get you down! I know I won't!
All my love,
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