Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 68 - Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!

Wow, folks, this has been a great/crazy/emotional week for this companionship of sister missionaries.
Let it first be said that my adorable companion goes home this Thursday. I LOVE HER. She has been exactly what I needed to transition into this area and responsibility. She has kept me laughing and gets me through the tough days. She is the greatest and I am really grateful she decided to serve a mission so we can watch Harry Potter movies together until the end of time :) <3
Let it next be said that I am now entering the last transfer of my mission. These next seven weeks are going to be excellent. I've already decided that I'm going to leave my mission feeling like I really finished. 
In other news, we had zone p-day this last Monday. The majority of the day was spent either playing soccer or Ultimate. My brothers will be proud to know that I was a part of the reigning champ team for Ultimate. It was great and I looked like a tomato afterward, 1/2 sunburnt and 1/2 it was HOT and HUMID and I have the skin of a redhead. I will send pictures.
The majority of the excitement this week came from prepping dear sweet N for her baptism. She is hilarious. The bummer is, she's getting baptized the day after Sister Hamilton goes home. So that is really hard. But it's all going to be good. Our lessons with her this week have had many tears involved, both on the part of N and Sister Hamilton. It's seriously the worst, they can barely look at each other without crying. But it's all planned, and the interview is scheduled, and it's great.
I went on exchanges with Hermana Bechtold and it was wonderful!!! I got to go teach R and E and attempt to speak Spanish to them. Also I prayed in Spanish like 45,000 times and I AM BAD AT IT. HAHAHAHAHAHA. But the Lord appreciates my meager efforts. I'm really sad I never got to serve in a "zebra" companionship. (Zebra means one hermana with one English sister.) That would have been the dream.
We had interviews with President Innes, and he told me all the transfer news :):):) So I know a lot of things about who's coming to Charleston! And I know who my companion will be! Ahahahahahahahahaha. But I'm not telling, because he told me not to. And President is the greatest.
We also had a great opportunity this weekend to be involved in a stake-wide Mini MTC for the priests and laurels. And let me just say, if the future of missionary service is dependent upon the Charleston priests and laurels, I'm not even worried. They were all rockstars. We got to give a training on the schedule, the zone leaders and the assistants taught about the safeguards for using technology and the doctrine of Christ, Sister Innes used my words to talk about preparing to go to the temple, and we were able to teach the youth how to teach the Restoration using a pamphlet and then they got to teach us! They killed it. I'm serious, I was so impressed with their faith and testimony and how many of them are just so excited to go on missions. It was such a positive experience.
And finally, the reason for my subject line.
We've been teaching K ever since I got here. She is super great. She is really really smart. And she has a lot - and I mean a lot - of doubts. We felt like we had just been hitting a wall trying to make her see what we mean and trying to harass her into feeling the Spirit. Which, as you are probably aware, doesn't do a flippin' thing. We just really felt like she wasn't open to the progress she could have been experiencing. It was difficult for everyone involved. 
Our most recent lesson we just took a step back and taught her about receiving revelation, using the video from Elder Bednar called "Patterns of Light: Spirit of Revelation". We talked afterward and decided we probably ought to just drop her.
The next day she was at church, just like every Sunday. And it was also Sister Hamilton's last Sunday. Also testimony meeting! So naturally, Sister Hamilton bore her testimony. It was great because she is great. We were both kind of emotional (duh) the whole rest of the day. 
Fast forward to Relief Society. Sister Hamilton and I were sitting by each other, K on my side, N on hers. Immediately after the meeting Sister Hamilton and N began a conversation, and I turned to K to maybe talk to her before she headed out. She had an odd look in her eyes, but before I could ask her if she was okay, she took a deep breath and said, "I wanna talk about baptism."
Me on the outside: "Okay. What about baptism?"
Her: "I want to talk about getting baptized."
Me: "Okay. Why?"
Her: "Sister Hamilton's testimony really impacted me. I really felt the Spirit and it's stayed with me ever since. And I had to tell you right now or else I just would have put it off."
Me: "...Well, follow the Spirit, K."
Her: "I'm trying." *smiles*
So, probably that was the coolest thing ever. I'm still not sure it wasn't a dream. Ah, man, it was awesome. MANY PRAYERS FOR K PLEASE. I STILL DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON IN HER HEAD BUT I DO KNOW SHE NEEDS PRAYERS BECAUSE SHE IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK AND SATAN LOVES TO RUIN THAT. Thank you.
Anyways, God answers prayers, God softens hearts. God knows your name.
I love y'all!
Don't let the muggles get you down!
Sister Pew

On exchanges

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