Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week 10-My name is Laura

OH WHAT A WEEK IT HAS BEEN. Crazy confusing and crazy fun and waaaaay too fast. I can't even believe that I have almost been gone for 3 months. What the heck. It's almost March.
So I am now in M!!!! It's such a pretty area, about 30 minutes away from the ocean.  This week's Southern Things are a little limited:
-Miss U

I shall explain that later.

Okay, so last Monday was Sister Hansen's last pday. We packed all day and also went to Lizard's Thicket, which is basically just southern food so it was really good. We saw a bunch of people and said goodbye.
Tuesday we did lots of good work to leave the area better than we found it. We found 2 new investigators. Also, we stayed up waaaaaay too late because Sister Hansen and I couldn't sleep because we were jittery.
Wednesday was transfers. And my dear mother went home. Actually she went to the mission home. But I have missed her these past few days. She emailed me and seems to be doing pretty well. I also found out I'd be coming to M in Charleston zone so that was exciting! Someone tell the Nilsons! And I met my two new companions, Sister Goettsche (from ALPINE AND SHE KNOWS LIKE EVERYONE I KNOW SO THAT IS AWESOME) and Sister Julander (from Orange County California). They are pretty great and both did theater in high school. However, I have no one who will commiserate with me about not being able to watch March Madness, except for one of the elders from our ward, Elder D, who actually knows the Fitisemanus from back home. He was apparently way good friends with them, which is awesome. He is companions with Elder G, who is from St. George and reminds me so much of Cutter Mendenhall. So my ward is fun. Also, everyone here really wants to help us with missionary work.
Thursday we went to Mepkin Abbey to GARDEN. Seriously, I was so excited. Mepkin Abbey is a plantation-turned-monastery and we help take care of the grounds. We trimmed and mulched and fertilized and composted! It was so much fun and the old ladies we met there were hilarious. Usually, Miss U will take us to Mepkin, but she wasn't there. But fear not! I got to meet her that night! We had Book of Mormon class.  Also, that night we got a ride home from the church from Miss U, who lives down the street from us, and LOVES missionaries (but won't get baptized, what the heck???) But she also won't call us by our surnames, so she just gives us names. Sister Goettsche is Margaret, Sister Julander is Faith, Elder D is Felix, Elder G is Garth, and I... am Laura. So she's way cute and I love her. She also has a very thick accent, which most people down here don't. I do miss my B country accents.
Friday we had a lesson with a lady named B. Everyone's name in South Carolina is either Barbara, Debbie, Brenda, Robin or Jessica. I swear it. But she was so ready and we tried to put her on date, but she just wouldn't accept a date. It's a bit frustrating because we taught her about eternal families and temples and she knows it's all true but just doesn't want to get baptized yet.
Saturday we had stake conference! It was awesome! They had all these people who were converts bear their testimonies. It was great. Also, beforehand a member named Sister H broke all the rules and MADE us go out to eat with her. Everyone was so surprised to see how much I can eat...buffets are great, yo.
Yesterday was also stake conference.President Turner. I got to hear him and his wife speak two weeks in a row. I am blessed. He is the best ever and I am so sad he's leaving in the summer!!! :( But anyway. Everything everyone said was so perfect. I am trying to be more charitable, and basically everyone talked about charity, so that was a blessing. Also last night we had some group therapy where our companionship basically bonded hardcore and we are all best friends now. They have to take care of me because I am traumatized because my "mom" "died". LOLOLOL. But it was great, and we spent the rest of the night talking about Shakespeare and eating kettle corn. It was a 10/10 time.
Today we have been shopping. I wrote L a letter and I hope she gets it soon. 
I love being a missionary, like a lot. I know I need to be here right now and I love it. I LOVE IT. IIIIIIIIII LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IIIIIIIIIIT. Okay. I think I'm done.
I love y'all! Don't let the muggles get you down!
All my love,
Sister Pew
Last day in old area

Sweet people in her first area.

2 month mark on Valentines Day

Saying good-bye to her "Mom" Trainer

Her bed

New area

A restaurant they went to...mmmm

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