Friday, February 17, 2017

Week 8: Prayed Up

The subject line comes from a popular phrase among my African American brethren.
This week, I have been super "prayed up". I have prayed more this week in my whole entire life. Holy cow. It has been a trip.
-We were given flowers by an 80 year old. Pictures included at the end.
-I found out that they give medals and ribbons here for being on the honor roll. Everyone wanted to brag about their smart kids to us this week.
-I guess, if we're talking Southern things, South American things kinda count...? Anyway, C is in love with my companion... >:(
-I tried okra! It wasn't fried, but we're working up to that.
-We also ate fried chicken 5 times within 3 days. It was a mess.
Okay. So. Um. Monday. Right.
Monday was really fun. We got to just hang out at our apartment mostly all day. We found a football and threw it around. It was great. I made lemon chicken & pasta for Sister Hansen, which she very much enjoyed. She says I am "wife material" because I can cook. Later that night we visited some less actives, and that is where I tried okra. It's pretty good.
Tuesday we visited M again. He's been doing pretty good this week. We also cemented some details for Elder M's surprise party. 
Wednesday was a big day! We went to Columbia with our district and the Windsorlake Elders, Elder B and Elder C, to do service with the St. Bernard Project, a foundation to help disaster recovery. (Elder B actually trained Elder O from our district, so when he showed up Elder O was all like "'Sup, dad.) We helped do work on a home that was damaged by the floods awhile back. We did insulation and mold remediation, and that is why Dad received a text with photos of me and Sister Hansen in space suits. It was really fun though. We brought the football again and the elders had a great time showing off their football skillz. 3 of the 4 of them played in high school and Elder M did some college ball before his mission, but for a junior college. Then, we drove home, cleaned up (because we were stinky from doing the housework), got ready and went to Banister's to pick up 75 chicken wings for Elder M's party. We headed over to the elders' investigator, A's house and helped decorate. People showed up at 6:30 and the elders all showed up at 7. Elder L had scheduled an "appointment" with A so that Elder M suspected nothing. He was very surprised when L, the recent convert, jumped out behind the door and yelled "SURPRISE!!!" All in all, we had 3 investigators and their less active spouses, a couple of member families, and two recent converts! There was ping pong matches for days. I got killed twice, once by L and once by Elder D. Also, O and A have a turtle, so there's pictures of that. It was a very fun night and there was lots of fellowshipping happening, which was awesome.
Thursday we did weekly planning. Then we had dinner with B, a less active we visit. He is very lonely so we go and cheer him up. He took us to a place called Carolina Wings and since he's generous he basically bought us the whole freakin restaurant. It was super good! Then we had choir practice and since the elders were on splits both pairs showed up. They made up the entire men's section, lol. They are all very musically gifted, though; I was really impressed. I am the only alto in the entire choir. It's hilarious.
Friday we had ZTM. Sister Hansen will hopefully send you the video of me singing. There's no picture, just sound. I sang Nearer My God to Thee. I think I did okay, but most people forgot about it by the end of ZTM. Nothing too fancy. Hehe. Then we visited M.
Saturday we cleaned the church with M, the elders, and a couple of member families. We also gave M a church tour and finished up his discussions. It was very spiritual. Hopefully he'll be able to get baptized soon!
Yesterday we had ward council. We also had one of the musical sacrament meetings where someone gets up, says their favorite hymn, and bears their testimony about their spiritual experience with that hymn. Twas good. I enjoyed it very much. The bishop also talked to the missionaries after church and told us he appreciated us and apologized for some things he was afraid had offended us. I was super not offended by them, but it was cool of him to do that. He also got to know us a little better. I am confident the relationship with the ward will keep improving after yesterday.
Today we're going to Columbia to hang out with the STLs (sister training leaders). We're going on exchanges tomorrow and I have no idea who is going where yet, but that should be fun.
This week has just been super fun and awesome! Keep making the best of things, y'all.
Don't let the muggles get you down!
Sister Pew
Apparently she has become a clean freak-hahaha!

My kalancho plant named Gordon B., which is blooming!!!! 

Flower Bro W gave them

Bro W

Sister Pew and M

Epic Ping Pong match

Elder M's birthday

Add caption

Little girl they are teaching who wants to be a Sister Missionary when she grows up.

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